Wednesday, July 22, 2020

About Us

This site is maintained by to provide helpful information for you to better enjoy your time on the beach and surrounding area whether you are on vacation, moving here or already live here. 

Email us at if you have any information that needs updated, added or deleted. We are always looking for interesting pictures and articles to post and welcome any contributions. 

Interested in advertising on our site or improving your listing on one of our business pages? Email us at

Banner Ad Rates:

Sidebar Ads Main Body Ads
1 month $100 $200
3 Months $275 $550
June-July-August $400 $800
1 Year $1,000 $2,000

Sidebar ads are not viewable on mobile devices.
Main body ads are viewable on all devices.
20% Discount available for Sidebar + Main Body purchases.

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